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Gin Ellis Memorial Workshop

March 15th 

The Gin Ellis Critique Workshop is scheduled after the program at the March 15 GRW meeting at Decatur Public Library. If either the published and/or prepublished author cannot attend the meeting, they will be supplied with contact information to discuss the critique at their convenience.



Please volunteer to critique for the Gin Ellis Critique Workshop by emailing me at and letting me know which categories you are willing to critique. I will email your assigned manuscript to you on February 18th.


Every year Georgia Romance Writers offers a free 35-page critique (up to three chapters, including a synopsis) for prepublished members. Use this opportunity to get your work in front of a published author to get feedback before entering your work in the Maggie Awards for Excellence. Many members have received invaluable feedback that helped them final and get editor/agent eyes on their work!


Deadline: Sunday, February 16th, midnight.

To Enter:


Email with “Critique” in the subject line. The body of the email should include your name, title of manuscript, the category, and the names of any published authors you know have read it, then attach the manuscript. See manuscript format below.


Manuscript format:

  • Total number of double-spaced pages may not exceed 35 pages per entry. Entry must include (in ONE document):

    • Prologue (if applicable)

    • Up to the first 3 chapters

    • Synopsis (no more than 5 pages as a part of your 35-page entry, double-spaced, and placed at the end of the entry). For example, your total entry cannot exceed 35 pages, so you could enter a 32-page manuscript sample and a 3-page synopsis.

  • Note: synopsis comes last, not first.

  • Standard manuscript format: double spaced, one-inch margins, no more than 27 lines per page with header.

  • Header should have title and subgenre (see MAGGIE CATEGORIES) in upper left, and page number in upper right.

  • 12-pt font in either Times New Roman or Courier.

  • Entry must be saved by manuscript title.

If you have any questions, please email: 


Learn about Virgina Ellis, the author who inspired the workshop.

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